Powerlifting Meet Next Weekend!

Posted: February 11, 2020 in Uncategorized
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I cant believe we are finally here!

Training for a powerlifting meet is no joke and I am not gonna lie, I felt like dropping out several times.

Its not only the physical pain and soreness but also the mental pain.  You really cant let up for several weeks in a row, along with attempting to reach certain numbers in your training.

For example: if I plan on deadlifting 400 lbs for 12 reps on a certain day, I need to do it.  I cant take a day off and I can never relax.

Sometimes you feel like doing it, sometimes you just aren’t into it mentally.  Compared to just training for fun, where you would probably just take an easy day here and there, it’s just not possible when training for a competition.

This year, my training went OK. In College I totaled between 1000-1,100. It wasnt until after College that I got pretty strong and was able to go with over a 1300 total.

I used to routinely hit 450+ squats, 325ish benches and over 550+ deadlifts in my late 20s.

For this meet, at age 40, my goal is to go over 1100, but I am also not using any equipment.

No belt, no knee wraps, no bench shirts.

That is going to take a minimum of 50lbs off my squat, but overall, I should be able to break my College numbers even without the equipment.

Overall, I enjoyed my training this season, but it’s a lot of work.  I will see how I enjoy my meet next weekend, If I have a good time, maybe I will train for 2 meets next year.

I always said that powerlifting is the best training to use over the the winter and is one of the best ways to add on any muscle.

People ask me all the time for the best ab workout, well actually, squats and deadlifts will beat any type of crunch, situps or twist.

Later next week I will start my spring training and start losing weight to get ripped.

Expect to get a full meet update early next week!

-John Andre

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